Sunday, April 17, 2016

Jamestown Rediscovery Field School 2016

Jamestown’s Field School provides a unique opportunity for students to make a contribution to the research and interpretation of early 17th-century English-America. The Field School, jointly offered by the Jamestown Rediscovery Foundation and University of Virginia’s College of Arts and Sciences, introduces participants to the methods and theories of American historical archaeology through hands-on fieldwork on the site of James Fort (1607-1624). Over the course of the Field School, students will learn excavation and recording procedures as well as how to identify and interpret 17th-century European and Native American artifacts. The Field School will include field trips and weekly seminars exploring recent contributions of historical archaeology to colonial history, new methods in field recording and interpretation, and a survey of the recent literature in the discipline, including new publications by the Field School director and senior staff. Both untrained and experienced students will learn practical archaeological skills and the course is also an excellent educational opportunity for teachers seeking re-certification in the social studies content area.

For more information on applying to the field school, go here.

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