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Sponsored by The Mohegan Tribe of Connecticut and the University of
The federally recognized Mohegan Tribe is conducting ongoing
research into its long history in eastern Connecticut, particularly on
the Mohegan Reservation in Uncasville, Connecticut (est. c.1671).
As part of the process of investigating present and former tribal lands,
the Mohegan-UCONN Archaeological Field School engages in
archaeological research at pre-European contact sites as well as
early historic sites and reservation-era sites. The Mohegan field
school, now in its sixteenth year, works under the direct supervision
of members of the Mohegan Tribe Cultural and Community Programs
Department as authorized by the Mohegan Council of Elders.
Students participate in systematic subsurface testing, block
excavations, and artifact processing. We also explore the historic
and contemporary relationships between archaeologists and Native
Americans through speakers, lectures, and the daily experience of
working on the Mohegan Reservation. Together we are helping to
build a new basis of cooperation and partnership between tribe and
community as we explore the past for future generations.
The relationship between Native Americans and archaeologists has
traditionally been fraught with tension and conflicting goals. The
mission of this archaeological field school is to rectify this discord.
We practice a form of applied archaeology and community based
research sometimes called Covenantal Archaeology. We pursue and
serve the research goals and objectives of the Mohegan Tribe. Our
students, including Mohegans and members of other tribes, help
demonstrate how archaeology can contribute to contemporary Native
communities and encourage trust, responsibility, healing, education,
confidence, and pride.
During the course students will learn the basics of archaeological
fieldwork, from survey and testing to more intensive excavation
methods and interpretation. Most of the course is comprised of
archaeological fieldwork at Mohegan sites, or land that is of historic
importance to the tribe. Most years, students experience the
opportunity to excavate at both pre- and post-European Contact sites.
In addition to the fieldwork, students will be responsible for attending
guest presentations, completing assigned readings, maintaining a
journal, and participating in occasional evening discussions.
Distinguished speaker lectures, mostly representatives from regional
Indian tribes, are held throughout the course. Students are required
to take careful notes on all guest presentations.
Course Number: ANT 3090.11 PRA. Class # 1679
Academic Credit: Six Credits
Location: Uncasville, Connecticut.
Research: Mohegan Reservation (est.1663)
Experience Required: None
Previous Coursework Required: None
Dates: June 21-July 30, 2010
Participant Cost:
Fees and Registration: The cost of the 6-week, 6-credit field school
is $1,895.
Summer Session courses are paid on a per-credit basis @$300/credit
hour, and include an enrollment fee of $45 (non-degree students pay
a $65 enrollment fee).
Registration is through the Office of the Registrar: Non-degree students register through the
Center for Continuing Studies:
A lab fee of $50 is also required as a check made out to UCONN. Housing is available.
Contact Elaine Thomas at (860) 862-6393 for more information regarding
housing and cost.
Craig N. Cipolla, Field School Director
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Anthropology
University of Pennsylvania
James Quinn
Mohegan Tribe
Archaeological Field Supervisor
To request a field school packet required for registered students
Elaine Thomas, Archaeology Coordinator
The Mohegan Tribe
Cultural and Community Programs Dept.
5 Crow Hill Rd.
Uncasville, CT. 06382
(860) 862-6393 (phone)
(860) 862-6395 (fax)
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