Friday, April 28, 2006

A short bibliography on archae0-metallurgy by Dr. Chris Salter, Oxford University.

Introduction to Archaeo-Metallurgical Bibliography
The Historical Metallurgy Society has made a series of datasheets available on their web site. These files cover the following topics: Crucibles and molds, precious metal refining, iron working processes, geophysical techniques, bloomery iron smelting (what is a bloomery?), currency bars, excavation, hammerscale, metallographic examination, and other aspects.

Introduction to Historical Metallurgy Society datasheets
The Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Caribbean Studies announces a field school opportunity for this summer.

The institute is a non-profit, research and education foundation based in California, that seeks to integrate various approaches and methodologies to Caribbean research.

This announcement has been delayed until site access could be confirmed.

The opportunity is tremendous.

The field school project will investigate a Sugar Estate on the island of Nevis, Esatern Caribbean, that operated from the early 18th until late 19th century. Because the site is on private property it has escaped most of the ravages of local salavge. The site is also heavily overgrown with jungle vegetation. The steam-engine is in situ as are many components of
the industrial past. Laborers' residential area has also been detected and will be carefully documented.

Students will initiate survey of standing structures, be instructed in producing measured drawings, conduct artifact collection and analysis, and begin GIS data collection. Known structures include boiling factory,
windmill, steam mill, great house, and numerous as yet to be idenitfied masonry buildings.

Students will be housed dorm style in a large guest home less than a mile from the site. All meals included. There will be ample time off to enjoy
the island and its many historical features or for hiking and beach time.

There are 5 spaces available. Students will be the first group to conduct archaeology at the site in what is anticipated to be a five year study.

Where: Nevis West Indies

When: Two alternative project dates under consideration.
July 9-30 or July 23-Aug 13. To be determined soon.

Cost: $1100.00

Other: Students must make their own travel arrangements. We can offer advice as fares and iteneraries vary wildly from different parts of the

Must have valid passport, hepititus vacination, and ability to engage in strenuous activity in warmth and humidity.

For more information see
or contact Dr. Marco Meniketti at

Marco Meniketti, Ph.D., RPA
Institute for Advanced Interdisciplinary Caribbean Archaeology
125 San Carlos Ave.
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Caribbean Archaeology Home Page

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Mirabilis is a fascinating blog by a woman who lives on an island in the Salish Sea (off Vancouver). Here are her posts on history and archaeology. ? history & archaeology
Where are you planning to travel to this summer? The National Park Service has a number of fascinating web sites covering the history and archaeology of bygone cultures here in the U.S. This site covers the Moundbuilders of the Mississippi.

NPS Archeology Program: Ancient Architects of the Mississippi