The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM) is running a Field School for the Basin Harbor Shipwreck in late May through June, 2017.
A field school experience is a critical component for anyone interested in learning about underwater archaeology. The Lake Champlain Maritime Museum (LCMM) is hosting a rigorous three-week program that offers a mix of both instruction and hands-on underwater archaeological research. The diving sessions will teach practical underwater skills using both traditional documentation techniques and cutting-edge technology on an historic shipwreck. Through additional lecture, students will have the opportunity to study legal issues in archaeology, to learn about local history, and to participate in artifact conservation.
The site to be worked on is an 89-foot unknown wooden vessel located in Basin Harbor. Beyond the wooden hull remains, artifacts found on site include glass bottles, iron spikes and other iron fasteners. The identity and time period of the wreck are still unknown. Come help us solve the mysteries of the Basin Harbor wreck!
Students must be SCUBA-certified
Students must have dive insurance
Students must have current CPR and First Aid certifications
For more information and applications, go here.